What is your favorite thing about teaching?
Seeing people make connections with and honor their own body and practice. In a world where we're often comparing and trying to be something else, seeing people do what's best for them is a special gift.
What can clients expect from you when they attend your classes?
Eclectic playlists, loud yoga pants, honor for each posture's expression, and a sense of humor.
What is one thing about you that people would be surprised to know?
I can be as fiery as my red hair.
What would the title of your autobiography be?
I wrote and published a book that was part memoir/part research called Self-Care for New Moms: Thriving Through Your Postpartum Year. I still hate how boring the title ended up being. I think my memoir would be Life is Too Short to Carry Serious Umbrellas...
Who is your role model and why?
I've consciously surrounded myself with strong, intelligent, and kind women, each who role models something different and extraordinary. Ultimately, my mom was the greatest role model in kindness and love.
How do you relax?
Reading, baking, taking yoga classes, being out in nature, and forcing my family to go to the beach with me.
Do you prefer breakfast, lunch or dinner?
And what is your favorite thing to eat for that meal? BREAKFAST!!!! Breakfast is my favorite, from artisanal oats to creme brulee french toast.
What type of music/artist do you love?
A little bit of everything. My son is named after the lead singer of the Old 97s but I love some pop too. My very favorite has to be covers of songs that are a total departure from their original tone.
Where is one place in the world that you haven't been to that you are dying to go?
What's your favorite color?
Kate Spade green
Why is working out important to you?
I consider it medication -- antidepressant, anti-anxiety, better-more-patient-mom medicine
What is one thing you struggle with and how do you manage it?
Feeling that I have done a good enough job (perfectionism)
What is your favorite tv show?
First season of The Mindy Project (from a long way back), Schitt's Creek, The Great British Baking Show